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Kosta Boda Art Hotel, Sweden - "Glass Hotel"

Right now, the construction workers in Kosta are putting the finishing touches to a glass hotel, glistening with art glass inside and out. The Kosta Boda glass artists have designed different parts of the hotel, as well as one hotel room wing each.
– We are building a unique hotel that will be an experience for all the senses. The glass artists contributing to this project are world famous, and this summer we welcome visitors from Sweden and the rest of the world to visit the ”kingdom of crystal,” says Mattias Landgren, Kosta Boda Art Hotel CEO
104 rooms decorated by glass artists
The Kosta Boda Art Hotel will be 10 000 m2 large and will have 104 rooms and glass suites, all decorated by the world famous Kosta Boda artists. The end result is rooms of very different character, from Ludvig Löfgren’s skull decorated rock n’ roll quarters to Ulrika Hydman-Vallien’s classic tulip ornamented accommodation.
In the middle of the hotel, a large spa section is taking form around a Kjell Engman designed pool with shimmering blue glass tiles and a glass exhibition at the bottom. And if you want to, you can borrow a pair of goggles and have a closer look at the artworks.
The other parts of the spa are designed by Åsa Jungnelius, Elle Interiör Designer of the Year 2008 winner and Dagens Nyheter Cultural Award nominee. Jungnelius’ characteristic artworks of lipsticks and nail polish bottles in pastels and gold give your beauty and spa treatments an extra dimension. The artists contributing to the Kosta Boda Art Hotel are: Anna Ehrner, Kjell Engman, Åsa Jungnelius, Ludvig Löfgren, Ulrica Hydman-Vallien, Bertil Vallien and Göran Wärff.

Stora vägen 75 Kosta, Sweden

104 rooms

Tel.: +46 (0) 478-348 30

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