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Ice Hotel - Sweden

Sweden's Ice Hotel is built from scratch every year. A new design, new suites, a brand new reception - in fact everything in it is crisp and new.The Ice Hotel is situated on the shores of the Torne River, in the old village of Jukkasjärvi in Swedish Lapland.10 000 tons of crystal clear ice from the ‘ice manufacturing plant’, the Torne River, and 30 000 tons of pure snow generously supplied by Mother Nature are needed to build the Ice Hotel every year. The hotel sleeps over 100 guests, and every bedroom is unique.Covering more than 30,000 square feet, the Ice Hotel includes an Ice Chapel, the hotel itself, an ice art exhibition hall, a cinema and last but not least, the world famous ‘Absolut Ice Bar’. Source:

The Ice hotel is located in a small village 200 km above the Arctic Circle about 15 km from Kiruna, Sweden. The hotel is open from December 2008 – April 2009.


Tel:+46 (0) 980 668 00

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